Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Hymnsing Hotfudge kind of Night

Wednesday nights are a fun time here at the MCC compound (and yes, we are our own compound) when all the gringos come together (in an even more intentional way than usual) to eat and chat and sing. Technically, we call it "la cena de inglés" or English Potluck, but actually we speak a mix of Spangleman bajo - which is a mix of English, Spanish and Aleman Bajo (low German) - whatever it takes for us to communicate.

Tonight I made hot fudge cake...mmm fudge...mmm hymn sing even better than fudge. There is nothing quite as beautiful as the harmony of a well-sung hymn. "Sweetly Resting" (In the rifted rock I'm resting) is quickly becoming one of my favorites and was particularly meaningful to me after the past week.

I'm looking forward to the long rest tomorrow's holiday will bring (May 1 is Labor Day here!!). May 2 is my sister Lynn's birthday - so happy birthday to the best and only sister I have! I love you and miss you :) And May 4 is the vote for regional Autonomía here in Santa Cruz...If you would like to know what that's all about let me know and I will write you the condensed version of the loooooooooooooong explanation.

1 comment:

M Horst said...

I am glad you have found food and fellowship with a fine group there. Yes. What is Regional Autonomia?