Tuesday, August 18, 2009


One tough decision down, a lifetime to go. I will be making Columbus my home for the next while. While I will inevitably miss my roots, I am at peace with my decision to branch out beyond Wayne county. It feels like I am beginning to find my stride here and that is a good feeling. So thanks to the fine folks at CRIS, la Turbina, and Columbus Menno, who have made me feel so incredibly welcomed and of course to my two roommates who have graciously and generously made space for me, and of course thanks to my family for being supportive, even when having me home would be easier for you. I feel at peace. The future will be a challenge and an adventure, sin duda, but I look forward to what it may bring and I give gracias a Dios for the wonderful friends who enrich my existence. You know who you are :)

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