I of course spent time getting to know the campus at UNM, in particular the LAII (Latin American and Iberian Institute). I fell in love with the program and the faculty and found the LAS (Latin American Studies) graduate students to be very welcoming and helpful; by my second day on campus I felt like I knew my way around, almost like a pro ;) For those of you who know me, this is a big deal since some days I have trouble telling right from left.
The faculty took the time to meet with me one on one and gave me insightful suggestions and advice about which direction I want to go with my study and career. In addition to showing me around campus, the LAS students took time to chat, share contact information and advice and even to seek me out when the faculty let them know I was visiting. The warmth of the sunshine,people,terracotta red buildings,and spicy green chilies is hard to resist!
So on Monday of this week I took the plunge and made official what my heart already knew - New Mexico is my choice. If you had asked me 3 months ago where I would be going to graduate school in the fall, I would never have dreamed it would be UNM. I like to think that I make decisions based on thinking and reason, which I do, but I have come to also appreciate the value of trusting my intuition and yes, my heart. It's a strange feeling when your heart leaps in response to something, and that is how it has been since I found UNM. I don't remember when I have prayed about something so much and really spent time thinking about what I need to be happy, to feel fulfilled, to feel connected and called to what I was doing. I guess this is one of those times when my decision does not have a clear, simple, business like answer, but this decision makes me smile and that feels really good.
I do not have an official move date yet, but I am thinking possibly in June. I am applying for a fellowship to fund my study, but also hoping to find a job in case funding does not come through. Please be in prayer for the puzzle pieces to come together as I get ready for this big change!
Below are some fun pictures from exploring Santa Fe and hiking with Katie :) I also want to thank Bethany and Gabe and all the folks at the Plex for good coffee, good food, and above all good company!